21.   Bring combat boots, not a laptop.

22.   But there was something unusual about seeing ghoulish makeup, chains and black combat boots in a church setting, he said.

23.   Combat boots or Elizabethan ruffles?

24.   Classmates said Harris came to school in steel-toed combat boots and wore a German cross.

25.   During both rampages, Harris wore a black camouflage jumpsuit, black combat boots, and a black ninja-style hood.

26.   Except during exercise, the inmates wear a uniform of combat boots, khaki cargo pants and colored T-shirts that indicate their rank in the camp.

27.   Grunge, glamour, ecology, techno, shrouds, corsets, combat boots, stilettos, waifs, amazons.

28.   He admits he owns the combat boots.

29.   He is commemorated by a self-portrait showing him in a crinoline skirt and combat boots.

30.   He wears a solid gold chain under his camouflage jersey and a matching flak jacket and pants, which are tucked into combat boots.

a. + boot >>共 343
hiking 8.57%
combat 7.73%
black 7.23%
high 3.36%
knee-high 3.28%
heavy 2.69%
new 2.69%
walking 2.61%
go-go 2.18%
protective 2.10%
combat + n. >>共 558
troop 5.78%
zone 5.73%
terrorism 5.18%
operation 4.09%
unit 3.47%
helicopter 3.22%
aircraft 2.97%
mission 2.92%
boot 2.51%
gear 1.96%
每页显示:    共 92