21.   When these lake-induced clouds move ashore, where they deposit significant amounts of snow.

22.   A huge, dark cloud moved over the stadium an hour before game time.

23.   A few scattered clouds moved across Arizona and New Mexico from California and the desert Southwest remained mostly clear and dry.

24.   A thick cloud moved slowly northward, enveloping villages with a choking, eye-stinging vapor.

25.   After several days of sunshine and blue skies, clouds moved over Big Mountain Resort, producing flat light that made it harder to see the turns.

26.   But by mid-afternoon, dark clouds moved in and there was a chance of showers.

27.   But by mid-afternoon, dark clouds moved in and there was the chance of showers.

28.   Clouds moved east and by mid morning skies were mostly sunny over west sections but remained mostly cloudy across the east and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

29.   For this afternoon, satellite pictures indicated that clouds will move from the adjacent Atlantic, south and southwest and across mainly the north half of our islands.

30.   Forecasters are hoping the clouds will move through the area in time to allow the shuttle to land at its second opportunity at the Kennedy Space Center Tuesday afternoon.

n. + move >>共 1364
family 3.49%
company 2.43%
government 2.40%
price 1.97%
police 1.83%
troop 1.75%
people 1.72%
stock 1.48%
dollar 1.37%
force 1.37%
cloud 0.21%
cloud + v. >>共 343
be 10.36%
increase 4.88%
linger 4.56%
cover 4.15%
break 3.10%
spread 2.86%
thicken 2.70%
persist 2.34%
begin 2.18%
hang 2.10%
move 1.57%
每页显示:    共 39