21.   Plans ultimately call for the model to be upgraded to a virtual-reality site, which will be used for classroom instruction.

22.   Schools need to strengthen early-intervention programs and classroom instruction for all students, which means paying closer attention to what and how teachers teach.

23.   Since then, with steep city budget cuts for education and youth services, district superintendents have been forced to channel discretionary spending toward classroom instruction, Casey said.

24.   Subject matter should parallel middle-school classroom instruction.

25.   Teachers tape the half-hour show and then use it for classroom instructions.

26.   Studies of whether it is as effective as traditional classroom instruction have been inconclusive, but for students with families and busy lives are grateful for its convenience.

27.   Take his belief that homework is a necessary supplement to classroom instruction in the suburbs, but an insidious form of discrimination in the ghetto.

28.   That same day Moussaoui went to another building called The Commons where he had his first session of classroom instruction.

29.   The agreement does include some changes that would increase the amount of time teachers spend on classroom instruction.

30.   The board voted for the measure without dissent, and board members said it would go a long way in improving classroom instruction.

n. + instruction >>共 241
jury 10.43%
classroom 6.46%
package 4.64%
language 4.47%
safety 4.14%
installation 2.65%
government 1.99%
flight 1.66%
police 1.66%
art 1.49%
classroom + n. >>共 283
instruction 4.23%
teacher 3.91%
discussion 3.37%
wall 3.04%
door 2.82%
work 2.82%
space 2.71%
use 2.61%
building 2.39%
activity 2.06%
每页显示:    共 39