21.   But the city can also offer positive incentives, such as extra pay for public employees who supervise or train welfare workers.

22.   But the Giuliani administration continued its attacks on CUNY on Tuesday, and denied that the legislation would require the city to offer workfare jobs on campuses.

23.   But this city does offer an interesting laboratory because of the racial tension that pervades the system and makes many black parents distrust the public school district.

24.   But, he said, many of the projects going up in the area such as bars and restaurants are not venues the city would normally offer incentives.

25.   But when Kobe city recently offered them an apartment in a suburb, they turned it down.

26.   Certainly, the house the group chose was situated in about as quiet an area as any Pakistani city could offer.

27.   Cities offered a prospect of well-being and privilege that the countryside never could.

28.   Earlier Wednesday, Mrs. Diallo moved out of the Stanhope Hotel, where the city had offered to pay her bill, and checked into another hotel.

29.   Dyson, the deputy mayor, said the city must offer such subsidies to compete with the growing number of governments that try to lure businesses away.

30.   Flush with bed-and-breakfasts, the city also offers inns, motels, guesthouses and recreational vehicle parks.

n. + offer >>共 1413
company 7.22%
government 3.31%
site 2.27%
official 1.67%
program 1.08%
bank 1.05%
school 0.96%
service 0.89%
group 0.89%
state 0.85%
city 0.65%
city + v. >>共 754
be 18.24%
have 8.71%
need 1.38%
remain 1.36%
try 1.13%
do 1.09%
make 1.06%
take 1.01%
use 1.00%
offer 0.99%
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