21.   With a tax cut favored by both parties in Congress and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, the chances look very good for a tax slash this year.

22.   Yes, he disappointed millions who hoped they would get the chance to look him over good, including me.

23.   President Clinton needed a chance to look statesmanlike and decisive in an election year.

24.   Because the Super Bowl is in Miami, this has been a target year for the Dolphins, although their chances now look marginal.

25.   Both said yesterday that their chances look good.

26.   Both said Wednesday that their chances look good.

27.   Both said Wednesday their chances looked good.

28.   But their chances look slim against on-form Cameroon and unpredictable Congo.

29.   Clifford Doyle is a gambling man, but his chances looked slim a year ago, when doctors bluntly told the retired policeman he was dying.

30.   Gore gets center-stage chance to look presidential.

n. + look >>共 1193
company 3.25%
people 2.37%
investor 2.18%
police 1.83%
thing 1.82%
investigator 1.67%
team 1.47%
official 1.37%
government 1.19%
future 1.07%
chance 0.20%
chance + v. >>共 602
be 48.76%
come 3.10%
play 3.01%
see 1.57%
prove 1.42%
seem 1.34%
have 1.32%
do 1.30%
go 1.13%
win 1.06%
look 0.81%
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