21.   But it was the small thoughts, the niggling doubts, that cast a pall over the conference that ended on Friday, and they centered on Enron.

22.   But no one at the lake seemed willing to let the recall cast a pall over the great American tradition of cooking meat outdoors on Labor Day.

23.   But not the three days of fog that has cast a pall over the proceedings.

24.   Casting a pall over the Jiang visit is worldwide rout of financial markets triggered by declines last week in the Hong Kong stock market.

25.   Earlier, stocks fell as the resurgent yen cast a pall over earnings prospects at export-dependent corporations already facing serious obstacles to profit growth, traders said.

26.   Earnings disappointments also cast a pall on the market.

27.   European markets declined, casting a pall over stock investing.

28.   Electricity consumption is rising fast, and its coal-fired power plants are casting a pall of particulates over coastal towns and beaches.

29.   Federal Reserve interest rate cuts are not expected to be enough to prevent the excesses in telecom lending from casting a pall over the economy this year.

30.   Fear has seemingly cast a pall over the streets of New Orleans, which depends as much as any city in the United States on the tourist trade.

v. + pall >>共 10
cast 92.40%
send 2.34%
raise 1.17%
create 0.58%
have 0.58%
produce 0.58%
see 0.58%
sense 0.58%
thicken 0.58%
throw 0.58%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
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