21.   Kristopans was expected to stay on in a caretaker capacity until a new government can be formed, probably within a couple of weeks.

22.   Kristopans was expected to stay on in a caretaker capacity until a new government forms, probably within a couple of weeks.

23.   Lahoud has asked the Hariri Cabinet to serve in a caretaker capacity until a new government is formed.

24.   She is serving in a caretaker capacity now.

25.   She is staying on in a caretaker capacity before elections and trying to make the most of it campaign-wise.

26.   Santer and his team have remained in their posts in a caretaker capacity since the mass resignation.

27.   Santer has stayed on at the Commission in a caretaker capacity, until a new Commission is named.

28.   Since it was pressured to step down last March by accusations of fraud and cronyism, the Commission has stayed on in a caretaker capacity.

29.   The BJP-led government remains in a caretaker capacity until elections.

30.   The Commission has stayed on a caretaker capacity, awaiting the arrival of former Italian President Romano Prodi who has been tasked to put together a new team.

n. + capacity >>共 329
production 19.89%
storage 7.65%
caretaker 3.72%
network 2.91%
lung 2.44%
channel 2.10%
output 2.10%
cargo 1.76%
memory 1.69%
transmission 1.69%
caretaker + n. >>共 54
government 49.05%
administration 9.73%
minister 7.42%
capacity 5.52%
premier 4.91%
manager 4.11%
president 3.51%
role 2.41%
boss 1.50%
coach 1.30%
每页显示:    共 55