21.   The genocide ended when Tutsi rebels led by current President Paul Kagame captured the capital, Kigali, and formed a government made up of both Hutus and Tutsis.

22.   The museum was looted and wrecked when Islamic guerrillas captured the capital.

23.   The Taliban has been seeking international recognition since it captured the capital, Kabul, last September, sending the government of President Burhanuddin Rabbani into flight.

24.   The Taliban, which advocates a strict version of Islamic law, controls roughly two-thirds of the country since capturing the capital of Kabul in September.

25.   The Taliban, which captured the capital Kabul last September, seized Mazar-e-Sharif in May, almost making complete their conquest of the country.

26.   Their arrival in Congo last year turned back a rebel force that was on the verge of capturing the capital, Kinshasa.

27.   They captured the capital, Kabul, Friday and now hold most of the country.

28.   Two years later, the Taliban captured the capital Kabul.

29.   With rebels preparing to capture the capital, President Mobutu Sese Seko left Kinshasa for his northern palace Friday.

30.   In interviews with foreign journalists Masood has declared that he does not want to subject Kabul to bombardment in order to capture the capital.

v. + capital >>共 525
raise 13.90%
attract 4.28%
include 3.85%
leave 3.07%
have 2.01%
flee 1.96%
establish 1.94%
provide 1.79%
reach 1.74%
visit 1.71%
capture 0.96%
capture + n. >>共 1202
attention 4.41%
imagination 3.36%
image 2.39%
town 2.35%
man 1.75%
essence 1.59%
title 1.41%
soldier 1.29%
city 1.27%
rebel 1.23%
capital 0.76%
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