21.   Drafts cause candles to flicker, and smoke is released when the flame is disturbed, he said.

22.   His church there lit lamps on the eve of his surgery, and soon candles flickered for him in windows across the village.

23.   In the nearby neighborhood of Mea Shearim, candle light flickered inside synagogues as Orthodox men rocked back and forth as they prayed.

24.   Just then, the candles flickered and young Thomas reached for the chop and felt the stabbing of eight forks.

25.   Nearby, votive candles flicker in the South Florida twilight while two Native American holy men beat drums and chant their prayers to the rising stars.

26.   Nearby, a votive candle flickers in the room where the soldiers then killed a housekeeper and her daughter, hoping to eliminate any witnesses.

27.   Once used to only light the way, candles have flickered their way onto many a dining table and almost every room and decorating scheme.

28.   Recently, in a sparsely furnished classroom smelling of fresh flowers and incense, a candle flickered as Poulin guided six teachers through a meditation.

29.   The candle flickered and for a moment the church went dark.

30.   The candles flickered from the gulf breeze, sending odd shadows across the room, shadows of a human figure, whose body now made ripples in the water.

n. + flicker >>共 96
light 17.24%
candle 14.83%
flame 9.66%
eye 5.52%
fire 2.76%
screen 2.41%
hope 1.72%
image 1.72%
lamp 1.72%
smile 1.72%
candle + v. >>共 101
burn 16.62%
be 13.80%
flicker 12.11%
light 9.58%
go 2.25%
illuminate 1.97%
have 1.69%
surround 1.69%
glow 1.41%
sit 1.41%
每页显示:    共 43