21.   After the deadliest clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in decades, calm prevailed in Israel and the autonomous Palestinian areas as the two sides appeared ready to meet Saturday.

22.   An eerie calm prevailed more than an hour after the time the demonstration was due to start and most shopkeepers shuttered their shops.

23.   Although calm prevails in the breakaway republic, Russian troops came under fire three times since Friday.

24.   As calm prevailed Saturday, the armored cars and military trucks were pulled off main streets, but some remained parked in the central square and on sidestreets.

25.   By Friday evening, calm prevailed throughout Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

26.   But while calm prevailed in Beit Jalla a series of bloody flareups elsewhere dimmed hopes the truce would spread to other areas.

27.   By midday, a tense calm prevailed in the town.

28.   By the time Russia had lost to the Czech Republic in the finals, however, calm had prevailed.

29.   Despite the moment of impending chaos, a strange calm prevailed.

30.   For a year, an uneasy calm prevailed as Indian diamond industry leaders tried to get their fraternity to cut imports, flush out inventory and restore better prices.

n. + prevail >>共 673
sky 7.93%
condition 5.94%
sunshine 3.15%
weather 3.10%
atmosphere 2.66%
head 2.48%
calm 2.48%
view 1.77%
justice 1.55%
attitude 1.15%
calm + v. >>共 77
return 34.79%
be 18.43%
prevail 12.90%
settle 3.46%
reign 3.00%
descend 2.30%
come 1.38%
last 1.38%
fall 1.38%
remain 1.15%
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