21.   Senators credit the business lobby, along with efforts by the administration and IMF supporters like Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, for the large victory in the Senate.

22.   Still, the success of the business lobby has been remarkable so far.

23.   Strongly backed by business lobbies, Republicans argue that companies are beset by frivolous lawsuits that jack up product prices and stifle innovation.

24.   The business lobby is too strong, they say.

25.   The business lobby, not too worried by modest missed chances in Cuba, is not nearly as vocal as it was on China or Vietnam.

26.   The generals arrested Chavez and installed as president Pedro Carmona, the leader of the private business lobby.

27.   The House leadership must overcome resistance from Republicans, conservative Democrats, like Cooper, and a powerful business lobby.

28.   The major business lobbies in Washington say they are staying out of the impeachment battle.

29.   The national business lobbies tended to sit those issues out.

30.   The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent millions of dollars lobbying for the legislation and running advertisements supporting it, and other business lobbies have weighed in as well.

n. + lobby >>共 216
hotel 26.88%
gun 17.20%
business 5.67%
tobacco 3.42%
farm 2.54%
industry 1.76%
bank 1.66%
theater 1.37%
small-business 1.08%
entrance 1.08%
business + n. >>共 627
leader 7.87%
group 3.08%
executive 2.64%
community 2.60%
owner 2.56%
people 2.52%
interest 2.19%
plan 1.93%
traveler 1.81%
partner 1.79%
lobby 0.17%
每页显示:    共 58