21.   But hours later the talks broke down and the buses drove away empty.

22.   His bus drove through Syria to Iraq, where it met the bus of Gumbleton, who had driven with the bulk of the shipment from Amman, Jordan.

23.   However, by midmorning the buses drove away empty.

24.   In December, attackers detonated a bomb by remote control just as a bus carrying soldiers drove over the explosive.

25.   Instead, the three allowed the bus to drive on.

26.   Last month, attackers detonated a bomb by remote control just as a bus carrying soldiers drove over the explosive.

27.   Not a single city bus drove in downtown Copenhagen, where strikers also blocked the airport buses.

28.   On Monday, buses drove dozens of children from the coastal town of Nahariya after a rocket damaged a school in town Sunday.

29.   The bus was driving through the capital, Monrovia, on Wednesday when the collision happened.

30.   The bomb went off as a city bus drove by.

n. + drive >>共 1656
car 3.41%
man 2.60%
people 2.14%
force 1.80%
troop 1.15%
police 1.13%
woman 1.06%
truck 0.89%
vehicle 0.84%
motorist 0.84%
bus 0.82%
bus + v. >>共 400
be 15.23%
take 3.73%
travel 3.63%
run 3.54%
carry 2.85%
stop 2.67%
arrive 2.60%
leave 2.60%
go 2.54%
come 2.39%
drive 1.45%
每页显示:    共 48