21.   Pangalos said Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke helped broker the settlement.

22.   A U.S. envoy trying to broker a settlement in Cyprus arrived on the island Wednesday saying the prospects were bleak.

23.   ASEAN, which still officially recognizes Ranariddh as first prime minister, sent at team of foreign ministers to try and broker a settlement between Hun Sen and Ranariddh.

24.   As of last night, the labor department was still trying to broker a settlement between Metro and its employees.

25.   Baker, a former U.S. secretary of state, brokered the settlement which includes the referendum.

26.   Hopes were growing Thursday that the warring parties will meet with a committee made up of government and opposition lawmakers to broker a settlement.

27.   Russia has been trying to broker a settlement between Yugoslavia and NATO based on a proposal Moscow and seven major industrialized democracies want to put before the Security Council.

28.   The United States, concerned about the repercussions for the region, is trying to broker a settlement.

29.   There were unconfirmed reports that U.S. special envoy Anthony Lake, who has been shuttling between Addis Ababa and Asmara to broker a settlement, would attend the summit.

30.   The United Nations, which brokered the settlement of the Cambodian civil war, also wants Hun Sen to permit international observers for the balloting.

v. + settlement >>共 503
reach 19.60%
negotiate 8.69%
expand 4.33%
approve 4.06%
build 2.39%
announce 2.37%
accept 1.92%
seek 1.64%
reject 1.49%
dismantle 1.47%
broker 0.81%
broker + n. >>共 126
agreement 11.78%
deal 10.76%
cease-fire 9.94%
talk 7.89%
ceasefire 6.45%
compromise 5.84%
truce 5.53%
peace 5.53%
settlement 3.89%
end 3.79%
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