21.   He was declared brain dead Sunday afternoon, and his family agreed to donate his organs.

22.   In the United States, transplant surgeons have relied on organs taken from people who are brain dead but whose hearts are still beating.

23.   Lawmakers voted to allow family members to make the decision after a person is declared brain dead unless the deceased has ruled out becoming an organ donor in writing.

24.   Marcio da Silva was declared brain dead by Dr. Luis Mazerra at the Hospital das Clinicas in Sao Paulo.

25.   Neurosurgeons removed the shrapnel Sunday but Miss Flatow never recovered, and was pronounced brain dead earlier Monday.

26.   On Saturday, Ali was declared brain dead, and his family agreed to donate several of his organs for transplant.

27.   One of the protesters was shot in the head, and pronounced brain dead at a nearby hospital, RCN radio reported.

28.   The man was declared brain dead at a hospital in Yokohama late last month.

29.   The three men also were charged with issuing medical documents falsely certifying that the victims were brain dead, said Thadaphand, the prosecutor.

30.   Twelve others were injured, including one who remains on a life support machine, but has been declared brain dead by doctors.

n. + dead >>共 187
people 26.16%
war 6.68%
two 5.89%
three 5.10%
brain 4.76%
man 3.51%
four 2.94%
soldier 2.49%
five 2.15%
civilian 1.59%
brain + n. >>共 367
tumor 10.47%
cell 10.44%
surgery 6.66%
injury 5.88%
cancer 4.51%
tissue 4.43%
disease 3.60%
hemorrhage 3.27%
activity 2.66%
function 2.43%
dead 1.06%
每页显示:    共 42