21.   But Parizeau might boycott such talks.

22.   Buyoya boycotted talks last year brokered by Nyerere because he claimed the Tanzanian was pro-Hutu.

23.   But two rebel groups continue to boycott peace talks.

24.   Buyoya also has called Tanzania hostile, and last week boycotted talks with the rebels in the northern Tanzanian town of Arusha.

25.   But two other Protestant parties that boycotted the talks are hoping to form a bloc sufficiently large to stymie the necessary voting consensus.

26.   Buyoya boycotted talks last year brokered by Nyerere because he claimed the former Tanzanian president was pro-Hutu.

27.   Buyoya demanded that no transition to multi-ethnic rule begin until a cease-fire is signed with Hutu rebels who have boycotted the talks.

28.   CGIL is boycotting talks that the government is holding with two other union confederations over the issue.

29.   Cordovez, as well as U.S., British and EU observers, tried unsuccessfully to persuade Denktash to abandon his objections and the threat to boycott future talks.

30.   Demanding concessions from Serb rebels, the Bosnian government said Sunday that its foreign minister will boycott talks on a U.S. peace plan this week in New York.

v. + talk >>共 397
hold 28.76%
resume 7.42%
begin 4.30%
have 3.89%
open 2.62%
suspend 2.28%
continue 2.04%
start 2.00%
attend 1.82%
follow 1.55%
boycott 0.46%
boycott + n. >>共 293
election 16.12%
vote 9.02%
meeting 6.46%
poll 5.72%
parliament 5.03%
talk 4.59%
conference 3.60%
product 3.29%
summit 2.64%
event 2.51%
每页显示:    共 105