21.   Clinton said an international presence in Palestine should provide border security along the Jordan valley and monitor fulfillment of any final agreement between both sides.

22.   Clinton said an international presence in Palestine should provide border security along the Jordan valley and monitor implementation of any final agreement between both sides.

23.   Do you advocate other measures of raising funds for beefed-up border security?

24.   Fox was looking forward to a meeting with Bush the next day, Friday, in which they would resume talks on migration, border security and trade.

25.   Guangdong police, in turn, tend to refer matters of border security to Beijing for approval.

26.   He said money in the measure would go toward food safety, border security, cybersecurity, postal protection and guaranteeing the safety of the water supply.

27.   Heightened border security has delayed the delivery of parts, forcing some plants to close for a day or two and adding to costs indefinitely.

28.   I blame the U.S., however, for having no workable border security.

29.   In a letter signed by dozens of members of Congress, Smith and Reyes scolded Clinton for not being serious about border security.

30.   Immigration experts uniformly say that relying primarily on border security to keep out terrorists will be ineffective.

n. + security >>共 443
job 16.07%
fixed-income 12.85%
airport 8.54%
government 8.50%
debt 4.39%
mortgage 4.35%
border 3.56%
homeland 2.56%
computer 2.10%
treasury 1.93%
border + n. >>共 311
guard 11.55%
crossing 8.17%
area 7.12%
post 4.82%
region 4.27%
control 3.93%
police 3.58%
dispute 3.55%
town 3.54%
enclave 2.51%
security 1.51%
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