21.   The Russians, under this arrangement, would be encouraged to export as much of the converted bomb material as possible, at a price set by an auction.

22.   The Russians, under this arrangement, would be encouraged to export as much converted bomb material as possible, at a price set at auction.

23.   The temper of unrest in this country coupled with the freedoms to own guns and bomb materials makes us vulnerable to mass violence.

24.   The United States has already provided Russia with technical assistance in the safe storage of bomb materials and have reached agreements on ending the production of such materials.

25.   There has been concern for years about the vulnerability of Russian bombs and bomb materials.

26.   This complex, she implied, is the most likely source of the intercepted bomb materials.

27.   Those searches uncovered bomb materials and a store of weapons, which could be illegal to possess and could ultimately tie the men closer to the bomb plot.

28.   Those searches uncovered bomb materials and weapons, which could be illegal to possess.

29.   Tuesday night, as they tried to attack an Israeli settlement with axes and crude bomb materials, they were shot dead by Israeli soldiers.

30.   Tuesday night, as they tried to attack a settlement with axes and crude bomb materials, they were shot dead by Israeli soldiers.

n. + material >>共 776
construction 9.63%
source 4.26%
plant 2.67%
reference 2.39%
research 2.31%
weapon 2.15%
weapons-grade 1.87%
bomb 1.75%
course 1.59%
campaign 1.55%
bomb + n. >>共 344
attack 24.41%
threat 12.17%
blast 9.66%
squad 5.68%
expert 5.54%
explosion 4.90%
shelter 4.58%
scare 3.29%
site 2.12%
alert 1.76%
material 0.66%
每页显示:    共 44