21.   The IMF typically requires higher taxes, dramatic cuts in public spending, the end of subsidies for money losing businesses and an end to bloated bureaucracies.

22.   The result is, that for all the talk of streamlining a bloated bureaucracy, the mayor has allowed Crew to proceed without lopping a single job from headquarters.

23.   Theft, huge subsidies for farmers and domestic consumers, and a bloated bureaucracy had turned the state electricity boards into huge money losers.

24.   Typically, Barry blamed everyone but himself for the bloated bureaucracy and mismanagement that have made Washington a humiliating international embarrassment.

25.   Weld now says he is strongly committed to protecting federal funds for student loans and legitimate classroom purposes, but would be willing to cut spending on bloated bureaucracy.

26.   A hostile Congress has been slow to approve funding for the U.N. and has demanded substantial reforms in the bloated U.N. bureaucracy.

27.   Although even many Japanese have blamed a bloated bureaucracy for locking outsiders and newcomers out of the market, Shima said the targeting of bureaucrats was a political ploy.

28.   American diplomats have been demanding that the United Nations slash its bloated bureaucracy and streamline operations.

29.   Barak says the ministry -- most recently held by Shas -- has become a bloated bureaucracy aimed mainly at keeping party activists employed.

30.   Belgium has been plagued by scandals and a bloated bureaucracy.

a. + bureaucracy >>共 349
federal 11.55%
bloated 6.09%
state 5.91%
new 4.45%
entrenched 2.18%
russian 1.45%
cumbersome 1.36%
large 1.36%
huge 1.18%
unwieldy 1.18%
bloated + n. >>共 172
bureaucracy 13.45%
payroll 8.84%
inventory 8.63%
body 5.22%
government 5.22%
cost 2.41%
budget 2.21%
corpse 2.01%
belly 1.81%
workforce 1.61%
每页显示:    共 67