21.   Bit by bit as Bosnian government fighters have learned to emulate the Serb tactics of obstruction, respect for UNPROFOR forces has deteriorated on all sides.

22.   Bit by bit, blustering all the way, hip-hop is moving toward the post-gangsta era.

23.   Bit by bit, his life narrowed.

24.   Bit by bit, Hoyt compromises.

25.   Bit by bit, standards weaken as the parameters of the acceptable bulge toward the trivial and the tasteless.

26.   Bit by bit, witnesses relate what they remember.

27.   But bit by bit, new clues are coming to light as researchers across the country work on their own piece of the mystery.

28.   But bit by bit she deteriorated, losing her ability to smile, to sit up, even to follow movement with her eyes.

29.   But bit by bit, the doubts have been dispelled.

30.   But, bit by bit, customers began to doubt that its products were as good as it was claiming.

n. + bite >>共 259
bit 10.33%
dog 9.18%
mosquito 5.08%
bug 4.92%
reality 2.79%
snake 2.46%
fish 1.64%
shark 1.64%
finger 1.15%
least 1.15%
bit + v. >>共 224
be 41.41%
bite 8.73%
come 3.46%
have 1.80%
make 1.39%
go 1.11%
become 0.83%
like 0.83%
seem 0.83%
work 0.69%
每页显示:    共 63