21.   The reform bill would restrict military jurisdiction to acts related to military service.

22.   The Senate bill would sharply restrict Supplemental Security Income benefits for disabled children.

23.   The Senate version would make it easier to sue a health insurer, and the House bill restricts lawsuits.

24.   This bill also would restrict the right of prisoners to file civil rights lawsuits and bar federal courts from declaring jail crowding as unconstitutional.

25.   Opponents say the bill will restrict the media in Lebanon, which prides itself at having the liveliest and most independent media in the Arab world.

26.   A second bill restricting independent election monitors and voter education groups, limiting the distribution of election posters and banning absentee voting also was passed.

27.   The bill would restrict possession of firearms to the armed forces, police, private security personnel, collectors and gun clubs and people living in rural areas.

28.   The bill would tightly restrict tobacco advertising, including ads associated with events sponsored by tobacco companies.

29.   The bills would restrict the building of mosques, mandate harsher punishments for people violating the secular dress code, and make it easier to close radical Islamic institutions.

30.   The bill on police restricts them to simply monitoring public meetings, rather than stopping, dispersing or taking other measures against illegal meetings.

n. + restrict >>共 334
law 11.71%
government 9.39%
bill 3.87%
state 2.32%
rule 2.32%
authority 1.84%
measure 1.84%
regulation 1.65%
police 1.65%
official 1.55%
bill + v. >>共 493
be 13.78%
pass 4.56%
go 3.95%
have 3.84%
allow 3.37%
require 3.27%
include 2.46%
make 2.41%
give 2.17%
become 2.15%
restrict 0.33%
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