21.   Even if they pass, targeted spending bills could face vetoes by Clinton.

22.   Even if it passed, the bill faced an uphill battle in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

23.   Even if it passes the Senate, the bill would face a very tough battle in the House.

24.   Even so, the bill faces long odds of ever becoming law.

25.   First the bill is facing forward.

26.   However, the bill faces stiff opposition from cybergambling interests, American Indians, civil libertarians and conservative groups.

27.   If the president signs it, as expected, the bill will face an immediate court challenge.

28.   In the Senate, Sam Brownback, R-Kan., is pressing for similar legislation, but his bill faces an uphill battle.

29.   In the House, the education bill faces a rockier road.

30.   It is expected the bill will face smooth sailing through both the House and Senate.

n. + face >>共 963
company 5.73%
government 3.09%
country 2.96%
man 1.89%
team 1.79%
industry 1.35%
woman 1.19%
winner 1.19%
president 1.08%
people 1.05%
bill 0.89%
bill + v. >>共 493
be 13.78%
pass 4.56%
go 3.95%
have 3.84%
allow 3.37%
require 3.27%
include 2.46%
make 2.41%
give 2.17%
become 2.15%
face 0.96%
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