21.   If that happens, they argue, springs in the region may dry up, killing wildlife like bighorn sheep and coyotes.

22.   In the shiny blue-black desert varnish, the mysterious culture has left images of broad- shouldered figures, perhaps kachinas, and bighorn sheep.

23.   It is completely foreign to bighorn sheep, but once they try it, they like it.

24.   It winds through a rocky landscape that is prime habitat for bighorn sheep.

25.   Like the bighorn sheep and coyotes around him, Henderson needs springs in the mile-deep Grand Canyon to survive grueling, weeklong hikes.

26.   Moose, bighorn sheep, bison, mule deer and a variety of birds also gather there at different times of the year.

27.   Our first night, desert bighorn sheep visited us in the evening and again the next morning.

28.   PHOENIX - Desert bighorn sheep are unusual, fascinating creatures.

29.   Sadler said Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep live in a harsh alpine environment that makes survival problematic under any circumstance.

30.   Second, to see a moose, or at least a bighorn sheep.

n. + sheep >>共 37
bighorn 48.39%
desert 6.45%
herd 4.30%
baby 3.23%
merino 3.23%
big-horn 1.08%
blackface 1.08%
blow-up 1.08%
bypass 1.08%
churro 1.08%
bighorn + n. >>共 11
sheep 76.27%
decline 3.39%
lamb 3.39%
population 3.39%
subspecies 3.39%
classification 1.69%
curl 1.69%
management 1.69%
number 1.69%
rank 1.69%
每页显示:    共 45