21.   Something about the prehistoric look with a big comfy bed is exceedingly attractive.

22.   The PFG design gets around this problem by putting seams on the back of its bag, which is shaped like a big square bed pillow.

23.   The PFG design gets around this problem by putting seams on the back of its bag, which is shaped like a big bed pillow.

24.   Four of the boys slept in one big bed, the oldest had a bed by himself in one room and the girls slept together in another room.

25.   The whole family sleeps in one big bed.

a. + bed >>共 534
raised 4.23%
single 2.67%
same 2.61%
king-size 2.32%
new 2.03%
unmade 1.97%
queen-size 1.91%
warm 1.91%
big 1.45%
pickup 1.39%
big + n. >>共 1140
company 2.24%
city 2.08%
play 2.02%
difference 1.40%
man 1.37%
part 1.27%
problem 1.26%
one 1.22%
question 1.16%
hit 1.03%
bed 0.04%
每页显示:    共 25