21.   Many died of disease, while others were abandoned to fend for themselves when the Japanese army beat a hasty retreat.

22.   Many of the women were left behind enemy lines in foreign countries when the Japanese army beat a hasty retreat.

23.   Many of the women were left behind enemy lines when Japan beat a hasty retreat.

24.   Most were never paid, and were abandoned to fend for themselves when the Japanese army beat a hasty retreat.

25.   When I reached Kabul, The flights were all full, But I beat a retreat not a second too soon.

26.   In the face of a gathering storm, the Pentagon appears to have beaten a retreat.

27.   The speculative frenzy of buying on the New York and London markets soon fizzled out and prices beat a retreat.

28.   US stocks beat a retreat Wednesday on worries of a weak economic rebound and pessimistic news from Intel and JP Morgan Chase.

29.   With that Robson beat a retreat from the army of reporters.

30.   Several scuffles followed and the authorities had to beat a retreat for a while.

v. + retreat >>共 142
lead 13.70%
pace 6.85%
beat 6.85%
follow 5.94%
attend 4.11%
cover 3.88%
hold 3.65%
continue 2.51%
mark 1.60%
begin 1.60%
beat + n. >>共 1199
team 3.49%
expectation 3.07%
man 2.91%
drum 2.52%
odd 2.03%
goalie 1.80%
people 1.77%
wife 1.69%
egg 1.68%
estimate 1.65%
retreat 0.45%
每页显示:    共 30