21.   Police used tear gas to disperse them, and they were arrested and slowly being sent back to the Red Cross center in Sangatte.

22.   Plavsic does not advocate the capture of Karadzic or his being sent to an international tribunal that has indicted him twice on genocide charges.

23.   Plants, which could provide food and oxygen, are sure to be sent on voyages taking years to complete.

24.   Police used tear gas to disperse them, and they were arrested and slowly being sent back to the Red Cross center in nearby Sangatte.

25.   A few hundred lightly armed German paratroopers and mountain troops are being sent to guard the German supply convoys into Bosnia.

26.   After being sent in to bat they received a solid start from captain Philo Wallace and Sherwin Campbell.

27.   Before being sent to President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, the new code must be submitted to a second and final vote in the lower house.

28.   Bulgaria asked Yugoslavia Wednesday to detail whether soldiers from ethnic minorities are being sent to fight militant Albanian separatists in the secessionist southern province of Kosovo.

29.   Camera-equipped Tornado fighters were also being sent to take aerial photos of the flood region.

30.   Chad faces its own rebel movement in the mountainous north, although it was unclear if the Chadian troops were being sent to fight rebels.

v. + send >>共 98
be 25.93%
fighting 8.99%
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spending 2.12%
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race 1.06%
cave_in 1.06%
be + v. >>共 1583
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ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
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send 0.59%
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