21.   Chechen fighters who were forced from their devastated stronghold of Novogroznensky this week took up positions in another village and were battling Russian forces there, Russian officials said.

22.   Chechen rebels battled Russian forces in fierce fighting Wednesday in the capital of the breakaway region.

23.   Continued fighting was reported in northwest Bosnia, where rebel Muslims allied with Serbs from Bosnia and Croatia are battling government forces.

24.   Croatian Serbs have joined the Bosnian Serbs in battling government forces around Bihac.

25.   Croatian forces fired across the border at Bosnian Serbs, who battled government forces from the two republics.

26.   Ethnic Albanian separatists in the Kosovo province have battled Yugoslav forces for more than a year.

27.   Ethnic Albanian villagers said the Americans crossed into Macedonia to take over positions held by the rebels, who have been battling Macedonian forces.

28.   Fighting broke out in central Monrovia on Friday when fighters loyal to warlord Roosevelt Johnson battled government forces trying to dislodge them from the military base they control.

29.   Forced from one stronghold by federal troops, Chechen rebels have taken up positions in another village and were battling Russian forces, officials said Thursday.

30.   Government forces were reported to be battling rebel forces to the north Friday.

v. + force >>共 523
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withdraw 3.12%
deploy 2.57%
fight 2.42%
send 2.36%
accuse 1.79%
have 1.61%
lead 1.22%
attack 1.16%
battle 0.94%
battle + n. >>共 695
cancer 6.20%
blaze 5.00%
rebel 4.10%
force 3.80%
problem 3.16%
injury 2.74%
troop 2.71%
police 2.48%
way 2.18%
flame 1.84%
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