21.   Cohen also used the breakfast meeting to push again for congressional support of a base closure commission.

22.   Cohen is taking his arguments for more base closures to the public, making the rounds on the news talk show circuit and writing opinion pieces for newspapers.

23.   Cohen said Congress needs to approve two more rounds of base closures.

24.   Coverdell sent Nunn a note Tuesday suggesting the sort of team approach the state delegation has used in fighting military base closures.

25.   Eventually, Congress created the much-dreaded base closure commission, a non-partisan body that selected bases for termination.

26.   GAO officials are scheduled to answer questions about their report at a base closure commission hearing on Monday.

27.   Former Democratic Sen. Alan J. Dixon of Illinois is expected to be named chairman of the federal military base closure commission, administration and congressional officials said Friday.

28.   He called on the community to unite behind Brooks when the base closure panel holds its hearings, from March through May.

29.   He supports additional base closures, increased defense spending and U.S. training of Colombian troops to thwart drug traffickers.

30.   However, the Senate voted instead to halt future base closures until an analysis of cost savings can be done.

a. + closure >>共 224
base 10.06%
temporary 6.10%
israeli 4.71%
internal 3.75%
partial 3.32%
immediate 2.68%
tight 2.46%
possible 2.14%
complete 2.03%
military 1.93%
base + n. >>共 480
camp 10.25%
station 6.33%
closing 6.01%
rate 5.10%
closure 4.28%
salary 4.15%
commander 2.46%
price 2.19%
spokesman 2.00%
official 1.82%
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