21.   Late last year, the department banned shipments of clementine oranges from Spain after larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly were found in several states.

22.   The European Union banned fuel shipments to Yugoslavia on Monday, but left NATO to enforce any Adriatic Sea naval blockade.

23.   The Dutch government disclosed Wednesday that it banned a shipment of chemicals to Sudan earlier this year because of fears they might be used to make nerve gas.

24.   The Dutch government banned a shipment of chemicals to Sudan earlier this year because of fears they might be used to make nerve gas, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.

25.   The European Union on Monday bans fuel shipments to Yugoslavia and tightens other existing sanctions.

26.   U.N. resolutions already ban shipments of all but humanitarian supplies between Yugoslavia and Bosnia.

27.   Greenpeace is to urge Argentina and Chile to adopt a new law to ban any shipments of plutonium or radioactive waste in their territorial waters.

28.   Although the Taliban continue to sporadically shell Kabul, they allow food supplies to pass across the front lines hemming in the city, although fuel shipments are banned.

29.   Croatia, for its part, has banned the shipment of heavy artillery to Bosnia through its territory.

30.   The island state of Kiribati has formally banned such shipments from its EEZ in protest at earlier shipments.

v. + shipment >>共 348
delay 5.14%
stop 4.51%
halt 3.58%
block 3.11%
receive 2.91%
resume 2.49%
suspend 2.44%
send 2.39%
prevent 1.71%
make 1.56%
ban 1.56%
ban + n. >>共 776
import 4.55%
use 4.03%
sale 3.70%
party 2.59%
export 1.89%
demonstration 1.77%
weapon 1.57%
woman 1.44%
practice 1.36%
abortion 1.18%
shipment 0.30%
每页显示:    共 30