21.   The fashionably black rectangular bag had removable backpack straps and also had a pullout handle at the top and two small wheels at the bottom.

22.   The reason that they open so aggressively is that the test that the bags had to pass until Friday was to protect unbelted dummies.

23.   The word bag has one big zippered compartment for books and a Velcro-closing side pouch with a pocket sewn in for pens and other necessities.

24.   These bags will have to deploy a lot faster to be effective, because side-impact crashes crumple a car more quickly than front-end collisions do.

25.   Today, a service clerk has no choice but to tediously fill plastic bag after plastic bag, a most unsatisfying task because these bags have no side support.

26.   What bag now has the second-row stylists instant-messaging each other on their pagers?

27.   Why have bags of vegetables in the freezer when there are living ones that will handle being frozen and thawed repeatedly, getting sweeter with each cold blast?

28.   By the end of the year, all checked bags will have to be screened by explosive detection equipment.

29.   The bag had a name tag, but there were no immediate arrests, said police Sgt. William Orozco.

30.   Each bag also had some dry fruits, binoculars, rope and batteries.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
bag 0.02%
bag + v. >>共 216
be 29.81%
contain 9.63%
have 3.60%
fill 3.25%
come 2.78%
make 1.62%
arrive 1.51%
go 1.51%
inflate 1.16%
hang 1.16%
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