21.   Doing it yourself saves hourly attorney fees or arbitration service contingency fees.

22.   Food Lion filed its motion seeking the attorney fees yesterday in U.S. District Court in Greensboro, North Carolina.

23.   Hahn said Koon and Powell also have asked the city to pay their attorney fees and he will recommend the city oppose that payment because of the guilty verdicts.

24.   He also proposed a cap on attorney fees under the tobacco settlement, saying the extra revenue gained from a cap can be used for domestic programs.

25.   If Alaska is found to have violated RICO, Zendehnam could collect triple damages, attorneys fees and costs.

26.   If Davies decides that the city should pay little or no attorney fees, Lerman said, the financial burden would shift to King.

27.   If you win, the defendant will have to pay damages and reimburse you for attorney fees to the extent ordered by the court.

28.   In addition to attorney fees, the experts said, Simpson will probably spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a parallel investigation his lawyers have started.

29.   In some cases, the government was ordered to pay their attorney fees.

30.   It also seeks punitive damages and attorney fees.

n. + fee >>共 630
transfer 4.67%
management 4.35%
user 3.15%
license 3.08%
subscription 3.06%
service 2.52%
entrance 2.52%
membership 2.35%
tuition 2.30%
admission 2.27%
attorney 1.79%
attorney + n. >>共 77
fee 40.11%
claim 4.40%
husband 3.30%
group 3.30%
time 2.20%
office 1.65%
comment 1.65%
say 1.65%
conduct 1.10%
friend 1.10%
每页显示:    共 73