21.   Brisk breezes from the north near the Atlantic coast will diminish later.

22.   But Donegal rests right on the Atlantic coast.

23.   But as it headed northeast toward the Atlantic coast, it picked up power.

24.   But if El Nino generates a second, more southerly storm track that turns northward along the Atlantic coast, more storms may occur in the Northeast.

25.   But in the winter, seals migrate hundreds of miles south along the Atlantic coast in search of food and warmth.

26.   COGNAC Cognac is the best-known brandy in the world, produced in a region of Western France along the Atlantic coast, just north of Bordeaux.

27.   Clouds will break along the north Atlantic coast as brisk winds descend the Appalachians.

28.   Clouds and showers will linger near a slow-moving front from the southern Appalachians to the middle Atlantic coast.

29.   Cool, unsettled weather will linger from the northern Mississippi Valley to the Atlantic coast as a series of jet-stream disturbances moves overhead.

30.   During both world wars, the Paducah had cruised the Atlantic coast on submarine watch, and was eventually decommissioned and surreptitiously bought by the Haganah.

a. + coast >>共 314
southern 6.75%
pacific 6.03%
northeast 5.77%
northwest 5.69%
atlantic 5.32%
south 5.08%
southeast 4.84%
adriatic 3.83%
northern 3.54%
mediterranean 3.30%
atlantic + n. >>共 225
water 28.45%
coast 14.59%
alliance 7.29%
seaboard 4.30%
hurricane 4.23%
pressure 2.19%
moisture 1.97%
crossing 1.68%
storm 1.39%
region 1.24%
每页显示:    共 199