21.   But English analysts expect the business to be sold for less than asset value.

22.   But several prominent foundations lost a substantial share of their asset value over the last year, the Chronicle survey said.

23.   By choosing to partly own a network, the league would be creating long-term asset value that would receive advertising revenues and subscriber fees.

24.   Despite previous disasters, asset values, not real incomes, are seen as the gauge by which Hong Kong measures itself.

25.   European financial stocks, whose asset values reflect the value of their substantial fixed-income securities, fell as bonds weakened.

26.   Even so, Broaddus said he does not see a risk that a slowdown could bring on a prolonged decline in prices and asset values.

27.   He said that it made sense for the company to sell a stake of the plants if it can get a premium to asset value.

28.   He points out that stocks are selling at historically high prices relative to company earnings, revenues, dividends and asset values.

29.   I see the need for balanced, fixed income, international, and small cap funds to maintain our asset value.

30.   If Rainbow goes public, the Garden would not be a major part of the asset value of the company.

n. + value >>共 512
property 11.60%
shareholder 6.90%
dollar 4.67%
entertainment 4.63%
yen 4.34%
production 4.15%
asset 3.11%
shock 3.08%
share 2.75%
core 2.40%
asset + n. >>共 246
sale 19.28%
management 12.23%
allocation 5.83%
value 4.91%
manager 3.17%
price 3.07%
quality 3.02%
business 2.97%
company 2.92%
class 2.71%
每页显示:    共 95