21.   Police arrested six youths and confiscated various weapons.

22.   Police arrested the youth the following day.

23.   Police chief Alaattin Yuksel said Wednesday nine youths had been arrested nationwide on suspicion of preparing to launch more attacks.

24.   Police have arrested a few youths.

25.   Police have arrested three youths accused of using a home computer to counterfeit money, police said Tuesday.

26.   Police in the western port of Ajaccio, where Erignac was killed, arrested two youths shortly after the slaying.

27.   Police arrested two youths shortly after the slaying and held them in jail over the weekend, but the suspects were expected to be released for lack of evidence.

28.   Police arrested two youths shortly after the slaying and held them over the weekend, but the suspects were expected to be released for lack of evidence.

29.   A youth was arrested earlier this month in connection with one bombing, but police are still investigating a series of other blasts.

30.   After he read it, his teacher at Tagwi Secondary high school in Cornwall, Ontario, notified authorities and the youth was arrested.

v. + youth >>共 421
arrest 6.52%
kill 3.43%
charge 2.81%
spend 2.61%
injure 2.33%
see 2.13%
shoot 1.78%
detain 1.78%
chase 1.44%
wound 1.37%
arrest + n. >>共 443
man 15.00%
people 14.33%
suspect 9.04%
member 2.97%
leader 2.55%
militant 1.83%
dozen 1.69%
protester 1.59%
hundred 1.51%
student 1.45%
youth 0.75%
每页显示:    共 94