21.   The arrests could have far-reaching implications if it turns out that data government officials rely on to make policy and collect taxes was falsified.

22.   The arrests could have far-reaching economic implications if it turns out that data government officials rely on to make policy and collect taxes was falsified.

23.   The government insists the arrest has nothing to do with his possible Zapatista role.

24.   Their arrest may also have an adverse effect on the distribution of humanitarian aid in the area, he added.

25.   There have no arrests in connection with the attack.

26.   However, the press speculated the arrest might have a connection with local elections that took place in Nigeria on Saturday.

27.   However former security police chief, General Fuad Allam, denied that the arrests had anything to do with the elections.

28.   Interior Minister Naseerullah Babar denied the arrest had political motives.

29.   Babar denied the arrest had a political motive.

30.   But local press reports said that his arrest might have a connection with the polls.

n. + have >>共 1318
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people 1.78%
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state 0.96%
official 0.95%
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arrest 0.02%
arrest + v. >>共 252
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