21.   The militias are a loose confederacy of paramilitary organizations that believe in armed rebellion, if necessary, to protect their right to bear arms.

22.   The tough stance by Belgrade has stiffened the resolve of the ethnic Albanian leadership and moved it closer to endorsing armed rebellion.

23.   The violence underscores the persistence of armed rebellions in the region and the use of border areas like the Ruwenzori as rear bases.

24.   There is a chance, however, that the untested Kabila, who has spent much of his life trying to mount an armed rebellion, is better.

25.   This conflict for the land spawned the armed rebellion this year by Maya peasants in southernmost Chiapas state.

26.   While Macedonians and Albanians want action, the two sides offer contrasting ideas about how to end the armed rebellion.

27.   A clandestine terrorist group on Thursday took responsibility for recent violence in restive Kosovo province and called on ethnic Albanians to support an armed rebellion against Serbia.

28.   A loose grouping of tribesmen, armed mainly with spears and bows and arrows, have maintained an armed rebellion for decades.

29.   Activists distributed pamphlets urging a wider armed rebellion against the king outside the Narayanhiti Palace where the massacre took place.

30.   Albania has been in chaos since late January when public rage over failed investment schemes swelled into armed rebellion and military arsenals were looted.

a. + rebellion >>共 243
armed 14.24%
serb 7.32%
separatist 4.55%
military 3.46%
open 2.97%
indian 2.08%
kurdish 2.08%
violent 1.98%
anti-government 1.88%
popular 1.88%
armed + n. >>共 339
man 9.68%
group 9.62%
robbery 5.65%
police 4.76%
guard 4.75%
conflict 3.43%
soldier 3.02%
gang 2.87%
struggle 2.57%
rebel 1.85%
rebellion 1.16%
每页显示:    共 143