21.   The drug is approved to treat the most common form of diabetes, known as type II.

22.   The drug Rilutek is approved to treat it, and other drugs can be used to control symptoms.

23.   The company developed the drug to treat pulmonary and gastrointestinal infections, and it was only approved to treat anthrax years after it was introduced as a general antibiotic.

24.   The list includes several drugs already on the market that were approved to treat new diseases.

25.   The panel, in separate votes, recommended that the drug not be approved to treat either disease.

26.   The test detects both Hemopure and Oxyglobin, a similar product approved to treat anemia in dogs.

27.   This medication is approved to treat the nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, as well as the physical wasting that afflicts some patients with AIDS.

28.   Vioxx has been approved to treat symptoms of osteoarthritis, menstrual pain, and acute pain.

29.   An experimental drug has been approved to treat paralyzed Chinese gymnast Sang Lan, who suffered a spinal cord injury at the Goodwill Games.

30.   In the past half-century, just two drugs have been approved to treat alcoholism, though studies on a number of others are under way.

v. + treat >>共 87
use 68.52%
approve 4.46%
spend 4.18%
develop 3.34%
be 1.11%
have 0.84%
arrive 0.84%
do 0.84%
prescribe 0.84%
will 0.84%
approve + v. >>共 127
treat 13.97%
be 3.93%
set_up 3.06%
make 2.62%
help 2.18%
attend 2.18%
give 1.75%
fight 1.75%
follow 1.75%
go 1.75%
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