21.   But the announcement coincided with reports of troop movements and possible civilian evacuations in the region, known as eastern Slavonia.

22.   The announcement coincides with a six-day tour of the region by Diane Marleau, Canadian minister for International Cooperation.

23.   The announcement coincided with International Press Freedom Day.

24.   The announcement coincided with a meeting Thursday between Secretary of State Colin Powell and Polish Foreign Minister Wladyslaw Bartoszewski.

25.   The announcement coincided with the publication Tuesday morning of a list of prominent defaulters who were threatened with termination of servicee.

26.   The announcement coincided with the visit to China of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, but the Chinese denied a connection.

27.   The announcement Wednesday coincide with the start of talks over a possible new funding accord between Brazil and the International Monetary Fund.

28.   The unusual announcement coincided with threats of military action against rival Taiwan, but Chinese officials would not say whether the two issues were linked.

29.   The Swiss announcement coincided with the sacking of interior minister Manuel Antonio, whose ministry was responsible for the police force.

30.   Though her sudden announcement coincided with her withdrawal from a match, Austin said the two were not related.

n. + coincide >>共 412
visit 5.47%
attack 3.84%
announcement 3.55%
move 1.92%
protest 1.82%
report 1.82%
trip 1.73%
strike 1.73%
date 1.63%
meeting 1.44%
announcement + v. >>共 383
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be 17.71%
say 6.17%
follow 5.40%
end 1.39%
mark 1.34%
give 1.13%
send 1.06%
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coincide 0.85%
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