21.   Three men attempting to rob antiquities from an ancient tomb were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, the state-run Legal Daily reported Saturday.

22.   Twelve people convicted of robbing cultural relics from ancient tombs were executed Thursday.

23.   U.S. museum conserves ancient Egyptian tomb.

24.   Within the fort area today are rubber and fruit trees, several houses, a pond and several ancient tombs including that of a formidable warrior Panglima Hitam.

25.   A team of Japanese archeologists may have uncovered an ancient tomb or city with the help of satellite pictures, Egyptian officials said Sunday.

26.   An ancient tomb recently discovered southwest of Cairo may reveal the secrets of mummification, which has remained a mystery to Egyptologists, Culture Minister Faruq Hosni said Sunday.

27.   The restoration work in Cheops and Khefren has also included the setting up of new ventilation systems to control humidity caused by visitors inside the ancient tombs.

28.   The water has also seeped through ancient tombs near Luxor in southern Egypt without causing serious damage so far, say experts.

29.   Israeli soldiers on Sunday shot dead a Palestinian as he and four others were looting ancient tombs, an army spokesman said.

30.   Japanese archaeologists have found the first ancient tomb dating from the New Kingdom in Dahshour south of Cairo, an antiquities official said Friday.

a. + tomb >>共 163
ancient 8.45%
family 6.81%
royal 5.72%
egyptian 5.18%
marble 4.90%
empty 2.72%
concrete 1.91%
white 1.91%
largest 1.63%
second 1.63%
ancient + n. >>共 1361
time 4.39%
city 3.07%
world 2.18%
temple 2.10%
art 2.07%
tradition 2.05%
site 1.85%
capital 1.65%
culture 1.64%
civilization 1.31%
tomb 0.56%
每页显示:    共 31