21.   Leatherwood said she had received prenatal care, but high blood pressure and low levels of amniotic fluid sent her to the hospital early.

22.   Mothers often develop infection of the amniotic fluid and womb, but they respond to antibiotic therapy better than do infected newborns, Dr. Schuchat said.

23.   Now the fetus has no cushion of water in the womb and no means of developing her lungs as she normally would by breathing amniotic fluid.

24.   One died of pneumonia stemming from heat stroke, two others died from aspirating large amounts of amniotic fluid at birth, the fourth died from complications during delivery.

25.   Peeling skin from vernix caseosa or exposure to amniotic fluid should clear up within four weeks without treatment.

26.   Q. What is amniotic fluid made of?

27.   Right now, each baby is in a different sac filled with amniotic fluid, a placenta and an umbilical cord.

28.   Removing the placenta is especially worrisome, because potentially lethal blood mixes with amniotic fluid and spills over the operating drapes.

29.   She most likely had either a congenital heart defect or pneumonia from inhaling contaminated amniotic fluid.

30.   She searched for clues about the meaning of excess amniotic fluid.

a. + fluid >>共 240
bodily 16.19%
intravenous 13.09%
lighter 6.66%
hydraulic 4.59%
amniotic 4.36%
spinal 4.13%
excess 2.87%
cleaning 2.30%
embalming 1.15%
hot 1.03%
amniotic + n. >>共 7
fluid 80.85%
sac 8.51%
band 2.13%
limbo 2.13%
membrane 2.13%
quiet 2.13%
tide 2.13%
每页显示:    共 38