21.   The union is planning a demonstration Friday in Union Square to air its complaints.

22.   The union first aired complaints of illegal firings on the eve of negotiations, which began last month.

23.   Those opponents won support from some Republicans on Capitol Hill, where the House Government Reform Committee held hearings airing their complaints.

24.   And because Taiwan is now a democracy, residents can more freely air their complaints in public.

25.   Callers can call or send a fax to ask for the information or air their complaints against certain government agencies.

26.   In Jacksonville, leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People met with elections supervisor John Stafford to air their complaints.

27.   Such meetings, the Europeans believe, would give Mediterranean nations a sense of importance and a formal opportunity to air any complaints.

28.   That would have prompted a disciplinary process during which he might have aired his complaints.

29.   The intent is to allow such complaints to be aired without fear of being drummed out of the service for being homosexual.

30.   Venter said Waterston and his co-authors recently had an opportunity to air their complaints at a scientific meeting but instead chose to write a paper in a journal.

v. + complaint >>共 461
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air + n. >>共 376
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