21.   By contrast, mayoral aides insisted that Polonetsky would run a serious and well-financed campaign.

22.   Chernomyrdin and Ahtisaari are expected in Belgrade on Wednesday for talks with Milosevic, whose aides insist he has been sending signals that he is ready to compromise.

23.   Clinton aides likely will insist on preventing companies from deducting as business expenses penalties they must pay if teen smoking fails to decline.

24.   Clinton aides insisted that the president has not settled on any one proposal.

25.   Clinton and top aides have insisted that IMF take the lead in assisting struggling economies.

26.   Daschle aides insisted that federal officials would have control over the project and could block it if environmental damage was found to be too extensive.

27.   Dole aides insisted Wednesday that is not the case.

28.   Flynn aides insisted Monday that the event is not a fund-raiser, which would violate State Department policy prohibiting ambassadors from engaging in partisan political activity.

29.   For his part, Clinton met Monday with advisers on his State of the Union, while aides insisted he would go ahead with it.

30.   Gore aides insist everything the vice president did was legal and appropriate.

n. + insist >>共 997
official 19.77%
government 7.48%
leader 3.30%
company 2.03%
authority 1.92%
administration 1.82%
aide 1.23%
executive 1.23%
rebel 1.22%
police 1.12%
aide + v. >>共 659
say 53.73%
be 3.32%
insist 1.29%
tell 1.22%
deny 1.21%
describe 0.88%
acknowledge 0.87%
suggest 0.80%
have 0.76%
confirm 0.52%
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