21.   Lebed said it would be foolish to think that anybody could simply turn a war off after more than a year of fierce aerial bombardment.

22.   Poison gas, aerial bombardments and machine guns were being used for the first time.

23.   That night, President Lyndon Johnson would go on television to tell the nation about the aerial bombardment he had ordered.

24.   The idea that the Serbian Christians would surrender under aerial bombardment was as realistic as the hope the North Vietnamese would do the same.

25.   The Supreme Commander of NATO forces, US General Wesley Clark, said publicly this week that the aerial bombardment campaign by itself could not turn the tide.

26.   Through the diary of a dead Korean soldier and U.S. military records, Cumings said he had showed that Korean civilians had died during U.S. aerial bombardments.

27.   Tibbets certainly understood war and the power of aerial bombardment.

28.   A KLA fighter said Sunday that Yugoslav forces had conducted an aerial bombardment of the town late Saturday.

29.   A government spokesman confirmed weekend shelling on the front but denied any large scale fighting or aerial bombardments.

30.   American special forces were moving alongside them to pinpoint targets for the aerial bombardment.

a. + bombardment >>共 144
aerial 13.65%
heavy 11.02%
israeli 9.32%
russian 7.87%
intense 5.25%
constant 3.94%
massive 3.02%
retaliatory 2.49%
naval 2.36%
intensive 1.84%
aerial + n. >>共 282
bombardment 7.72%
photograph 6.61%
attack 6.31%
surveillance 5.79%
photo 4.16%
view 3.56%
survey 3.19%
shot 3.04%
reconnaissance 2.90%
search 2.45%
每页显示:    共 103