21.   The Clinton administration acknowledges that the costs are already causing hardship for many Medicare beneficiaries.

22.   The Clinton administration has acknowledged serious problems in management of the service for more than a year.

23.   The Clinton administration acknowledged that the new job report adds to the evidence that the economy is slowing.

24.   The Russians know how stubborn the enemy can be, and the Bush administration is already acknowledging the difficulty in identifying bombing targets in Afghanistan.

25.   This spring, the Clinton administration acknowledged the benefits of needle exchange.

26.   While the administration acknowledged that the plan would not save the city money, the mayor claimed a partial victory because fewer boxes would mean fewer false alarms.

27.   And the Bush administration acknowledged China would bring up its long-standing objection to the flights.

28.   The Clinton administration acknowledged Wednesday that Israel and the Palestinians may miss a mid-February deadline for concluding the outline of a final settlement of their long dispute.

29.   The administration acknowledged last year without elaboration that it is examining whether Cuba is capable of engaging in computer network attacks that can disrupt American military movements.

30.   The Clinton administration acknowledged that some major U.S. trading partners, such as Japan and the European Union, strongly oppose many of its negotiating goals.

n. + acknowledge >>共 801
official 27.41%
government 4.30%
company 2.86%
leader 2.54%
executive 2.46%
authority 2.03%
side 1.27%
aide 1.25%
spokesman 1.17%
report 1.12%
administration 0.65%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
acknowledge 0.19%
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