21.   The Coors ad aired only briefly.

22.   Those ads will air during the Super Bowl, Academy Awards and primetime on cable and network television.

23.   Web-site voters will determine which ad airs at the end of the game.

24.   A radio ad now airing in Washington state, a prime Bradley target, hits the same the message.

25.   Positive TV ads will air about Democratic Reps. Mark Udall of Colorado, Joseph Hoeffel of Pennsylvania and Brian Baird of Washington state.

26.   The ads will air on network television through the final month of the campaign, party officials said.

27.   The ad will air in states with large Hispanic populations.

28.   The ads are airing just days after Bush signed a major tax cut that he and his supporters portrayed as essential to avoiding a recession.

29.   The ads will air in Wisconsin, Oregon and Washington, three of the half dozen or so states in which Nader could make a difference.

30.   The ads will air on news and talk radio stations Monday through Friday.

n. + air >>共 217
station 9.85%
television 9.47%
show 9.22%
network 6.19%
ad 4.29%
episode 3.54%
program 3.03%
report 1.64%
series 1.52%
commercial 1.39%
ad + v. >>共 511
be 20.80%
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show 5.28%
feature 4.58%
appear 4.07%
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say 1.99%
have 1.85%
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