21.   Deregulation will markedly increase the number of access points, increasing opportunities for attack.

22.   Ehrenspiel placed his access point in a nearby bar to reach customers in all four shops.

23.   First, unscrupulous entrepreneurs are using the names of well-known people as access points to pornography.

24.   He suggested that AOL was primarily concerned with cornering the crucial consumer access point to Web services for itself.

25.   I tried this approach last winter with a couple of Dell cards, and I tried it again just recently with the Linksys cards before the access point arrived.

26.   If so, then the males guarding those access points may exact copulation as a sort of toll for passage.

27.   If your home or office is bigger than that, you can afford two access points.

28.   In a normal public connection, the PC card in a laptop looks for access points.

29.   --Increased uniformed police at all entrances, plus search dogs in lots and at stadium access points.

30.   It has wired access points, essentially big routers, installed in every few square miles.

n. + point >>共 1088
transit 6.54%
collection 4.22%
entry 3.88%
bonus 3.48%
reference 2.39%
check 1.97%
border 1.95%
weapon 1.76%
season 1.74%
transshipment 1.62%
access 1.55%
access + n. >>共 294
provider 12.04%
service 5.25%
point 5.19%
charge 5.02%
number 3.84%
route 3.72%
fee 3.54%
memory 2.24%
information 2.13%
problem 1.77%
每页显示:    共 87