11.   She devotes hours to writing articles, book reviews and memos.

12.   Some Turks who supported the bill hope that it will also benefit intellectuals imprisoned for making speeches and writing articles deemed subversive.

13.   What is an English professor doing writing technical articles on airplane crashes?

14.   As if to prove Ren mistaken, a Chinese court on Tuesday sentenced writer Qi Yanchen to four years in prison for writing critical political articles.

15.   He has been writing articles critical of the president.

16.   He has continued his career here, treating patients and writing articles on trauma among Afghan children.

17.   In the past, several American publications have had their circulation curtailed briefly for writing articles deemed critical of Singapore.

18.   Last week, EU president Jacques Santer rebuked her for earning money by writing articles for Danish publications.

19.   Police take bribes rather than write tickets, journalists accept money for writing favorable articles, and government purchasers pocket a percentage of any contract.

20.   Santer already has rebuked her for earning money by writing articles for Danish publications.

a. + article >>共 578
magazine 11.23%
recent 5.79%
genuine 3.70%
critical 3.70%
front-page 2.87%
first 1.78%
accompanying 1.70%
following 1.39%
publishing 1.35%
second 1.26%
writing 1.17%
writing + n. >>共 427
style 4.34%
skill 3.81%
career 3.81%
program 3.55%
letter 3.39%
book 2.54%
song 2.33%
class 1.96%
fiction 1.43%
poetry 1.43%
article 1.43%
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