11.   Now Blockbuster Entertainment, the biggest video retail chain, is growing globally, hoping to make the American couch potato a worldwide phenomenon.

12.   The consolidation of the industry is a market-inspired solution to a worldwide phenomenon.

13.   The effect, some users say, has stripped Napster of the content that made it a worldwide phenomenon.

14.   The foregoing, while far from complete, demonstrates a worldwide phenomenon.

15.   The millennium bug is a worldwide phenomenon that affects public and private spheres equally, although most modern personal computers are immune.

16.   The shirts also have become sort of a worldwide phenomenon.

17.   It is a worldwide phenomenon.

18.   Reflecting a worldwide phenomenon, girls did significantly better than boys in nearly all cases.

19.   That people live in shacks is a worldwide phenomenon, so that part is not new.

20.   This is a worldwide phenomena.

a. + phenomenon >>共 603
new 10.24%
natural 4.46%
recent 3.72%
same 3.23%
cultural 2.64%
american 1.96%
social 1.62%
common 1.62%
temporary 1.57%
strange 1.57%
worldwide 1.13%
worldwide + n. >>共 1192
ban 2.60%
network 2.32%
market 2.14%
demand 2.14%
attention 1.85%
sale 1.77%
computer 1.45%
operation 1.37%
condemnation 1.35%
campaign 1.15%
phenomenon 0.46%
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