11.   Someone even figured out that workers could save two seconds if condiment containers were repositioned to apply mustard to sandwiches with one motion instead of two.

12.   The Bush plan would nudge the system in the direction of having each worker save for his or her own retirement, shifting both opportunities and risks to individuals.

13.   The ruling was seen as a potential setback to high-tech companies, which increasingly rely on free-lance workers to save millions of dollars in benefit costs.

14.   The subsidies will be granted through bidding contests, which will take into account the amount the worker has already saved to buy the new home.

15.   These plans allow workers to save a portion of their wages on a tax-deferred, tax-deductible basis.

16.   A breakdown, by age groups and percentages, of how much some workers have saved for retirement.

17.   A Ukrainian miner was killed and rescue workers saved two other miners who had been trapped deep in a shaft for two days, emergency officials said Tuesday.

18.   After a few years in Siberia, a Soviet worker could save enough to settle elsewhere in financial comfort.

19.   Ice fishing is extremely popular in Ukraine and each winter emergency workers save scores of fishermen who fall into the water or drift away on ice floes.

20.   Ms. Benson said most Nike workers can save enough salary to send money home for their families, and receive free medical care, English lessons and training.

n. + save >>共 1139
company 2.18%
people 1.61%
government 1.31%
move 1.24%
glove 1.11%
plan 1.08%
way 1.01%
consumer 0.97%
program 0.97%
career 0.91%
worker 0.77%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
save 0.11%
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