11.   The most serious scourge tree lovers face, however, is the hemlock-killing woolly adelgid.

12.   The woolly adelgid works fast, though.

13.   The woolly adelgid has been spreading fast since it appeared in the Southern United States and started moving north.

a. + adelgid >>共 5
woolly 68.42%
wooly 15.79%
asian 5.26%
nicotine-based 5.26%
woody 5.26%
woolly + n. >>共 69
mammoth 19.18%
hat 9.59%
adelgid 8.90%
bugger 4.11%
worm 2.74%
adelgids 2.05%
coat 2.05%
monkey 2.05%
rhino 2.05%
head 1.37%
每页显示:    共 13