11.   Many ASEAN countries have kept their financial sectors firmly closed, arguing that they were not mature enough to withstand foreign competition.

12.   Many of the ASEAN countries have kept their financial services sectors under close guard, arguing that their markets were not mature enough to withstand competition from abroad.

13.   Most members see their financial sectors as too immature to withstand global competition.

v. + competition >>共 722
face 17.25%
have 4.07%
increase 3.82%
win 2.21%
promote 2.16%
stifle 1.85%
reduce 1.82%
hold 1.79%
create 1.49%
enter 1.43%
withstand 0.21%
withstand + n. >>共 347
pressure 6.38%
challenge 5.33%
scrutiny 4.86%
attack 2.95%
impact 2.29%
test 2.10%
rigor 2.10%
shock 1.90%
earthquake 1.81%
loss 1.43%
competition 1.24%
每页显示:    共 13